Since the inception of online pharmacies, discounts and promotions on medicines have been extremely common. 90% of retail pharmacies offer a discount ranging from 5% to 25% on all medicine orders.

Yes, you can offer a flat discount on all medicines in your online pharmacy store. This would change the price for all the medicines real-time whenever your customers searches for them and adds to cart.

How to do that?


  1. To change the store timings, open the Easocare for Pharmacy App and click on Account in the bottom navigation.
  2. Click on Store Preferences
  3. Under Payment Preferences, you would see the Order Discount option disabled by default. To change the settings, click on the green toggle to enable or disable order discount
  4. To change the discount preferences, click on Edit below Order Discount and enter or edit the discount percentage from the popup.
  5. After changing the preferences, please click on Save Changes to save the preferences and reflect on your online pharmacy